Julia Jolkin

Julia Jolkin

IT tippvärbaja, IT Talent ja IT Talent Academy asutaja, Mentor

Värbamiskogemus: 17 aastat.

Pärast 10 aastat sellel erialal töötamist mõistis Julia, et värbamine on personalifunktsiooni osa, mis teda kõige rohkem inspireerib. 2014. aastal asutas ta värbamisagentuuri IT Talent.

  • Üks esimesi sertifitseeritud sourcereid Eestis (Social Talent Black Belt in Internet Recruitment, 2016).

  • Aasta värbaja, Eesti 2022. Nomineeritud positiivse mõju tõttu värbamisturule üldiselt ja noorte värbajate koolitamisele.

  • Esineja rahvusvahelistel konverentsidel: HRU Tallinn 2018, HRAPI St Petersburg 2019, SOSU Amsterdam 2019, SOSU TECH 2022, The Global HR & Recruitment Forum 2022 ning Aastased värbamiskonverentsid ja kohtumised Eestis.

  • Magistrikraad kommunikatsiooni erialal (Tallinna Ülikool, 2004).

  • Usun kandidaadikesksesse värbamisse, elukestvasse õppesse ja väikeste, kuid korrapäraste sammude astumisse suurte elumuutvate eesmärkide suunas.


Snežana Sander-Vanhalle

Snežana Sander-Vanhalle

HR Business Partner, IT Recruiter

Woo-hoo! 🎉 I'm beyond thrilled to share that I've successfully completed my final course with IT Talent!💃I'm so grateful for the invaluable knowledge and skills I gained, and can't wait to put them into practice to take my career to the next level. Huge thanks to my amazing teachers Julia Jolkin 👠👠 and Alina Kutlugalina, who were there every step of the way. Special kudos to Kaidi Räsu🌱 and Natalie G., who set the bar high! Great to be among TOP3 with you! Let's crush it, ladies! 💪

Kristiine Mäggi

Kristiine Mäggi

Strategic Talent Sourcer

I'm thrilled to announce that I've recently received my certification in the Advanced Recruitment Course. Productivity and automation hosted by IT Talent. The course provided me with insights into the latest trends in recruitment, and I gained practical experience in using different AI tools to streamline the hiring process.🚀 Thank you to the course instructors Julia Jolkin 👠👠and Alina Kutlugalina for a fantastic learning experience, and I can't wait to see what's next in the world of recruitment! I'm grateful to be part of a company that values ongoing learning and development, and that supports its employees in their professional growth. Thank you, Fontes Talent Advisory, for investing in my education and helping me to become an even more valuable member of our team🧡

Alesja Solonevits

Alesja Solonevits


I'm excited to announce that I'm nearly finished with the Technical Competence course from IT Talent! Over the past several weeks, I've gained invaluable knowledge about software development life cycle (SDLC), including different methodologies, team structures, front and back end fundamentals, programming languages, and database design. Thanks to the excellent guidance of my instructors, Julia Jolkin 👠👠 and Ekaterina👋 Krivich, I now feel confident in my ability to source and interview specialists involved in the first four stages of SDLC. They have a unique talent for explaining complex technical concepts in simple, human terms.

Liisika Palu

Liisika Palu


I’m very happy to share that I’ve graduated from the Modern recruitment course from IT Talent ! 🥳 I enjoy the course a lot. Julia Jolkin 👠👠 and Alina Kutlugalina are just wonderful, their teachings skills and willingness to help is something to admire! 🤩 A huge thank you to the both of you! 😊

Tatiana Chesnokova

Tatiana Chesnokova

Talent Acquisition Lead

Yay! 🎉 I'm over the moon to share with you that I aced my final course with IT Talent!💃 It feels amazing to have gained all these skills and knowledge, and I'm excited to start using them to level up my career. A huge shoutout to my awesome teachers, Julia Jolkin 👠👠 and Alina Kutlugalina, for being by my side every step of the way.

Kaidi Räsu

Kaidi Räsu

Technical Recruiter

One of the highlights of the course was learning about the importance of creating a more humane candidate experience through the use of automation. Although automation is becoming more prevalent in recruitment, it's essential to maintain the human touch and develop soft skills like communication and empathy. 🤗🫂 I'm grateful for the excellent guidance provided by Julia Jolkin 👠👠 and Alina Kutlugalina. Their teaching will enable me to create a better candidate experience and succeed as a recruiter.

Stella Stelmah

Stella Stelmah

Human Resources Specialist

Firstly, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to Julia Jolkin 👠👠 and the IT Talent Team for their support and guidance throughout the course. They truly have a gift for explaining complex concepts in simple terms, and their wisdom has been invaluable to me. I also want to thank Ekaterina👋 Krivich for being an amazing and brilliant teacher. She has a unique talent for explaining anything, and I'm so grateful for all that she has taught. I feel blessed to have had such wonderful professionals to help me understand and fall in love with the complex world of IT. Thanks to this course, I now have a deeper understanding of how everything is connected, why there are so many languages, stages, and value of the frameworks. Although no bugs were detected during the course, I now understand how many hats one specialist can wear and why. I believe that I can now be a valuable asset in helping to set up the strategy for IT companies' roles.

Elena Fedorova

Elena Fedorova

CV Partner

Better late than never :) In this case, it just took me almost a month to realize that I actually DID IT and truly changed the direction of my career from sales and management to recruiting. The fact is, all my previous experience will come in handy in my new role. Throughout the course, in each module, I found and reinforced what I already knew and, of course, learned new things. Oh, this amazing world of IT recruiting. When you're just a user of the software and only indirectly familiar with the product development life cycle, everything seems so simple, so clear. But digging deeper, you discover a wonderful, magical sea of SMALL tasks that really BIG people accomplish. And the result of this work becomes something big and flawless. And how fascinating it all is :) Thanks to the teachers ( Alina Sarossi (Kutlugalina), Julia Jolkin 👠👠, Ekaterina👋 Krivich ) and IT Talent for the knowledge and the ability to explain complex things so clearly and comprehensibly. I'm certain that only a person who can explain the essence of their work in a way that a five-year-old can understand is a true professional. And the wonderful ladies from IT Talent are professionals.



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