Ekaterina Krivich

Ekaterina Krivich

Juhtiv tarkvarainsener, mentor

15 aastat praktilist programmeerimise kogemust erinevates keeltes. Alustas arendajana ja töötas kogu karjääri jooksul juhtiva arendaja ja arendajameeskonna juhi ametikohal.

  • Inimese ja arvuti interaktsiooni magistrikraad (Tallinna Ülikool, 2022).
  • Magistrikraad rakendusmatemaatikas (Kubani Riiklik Ülikool, Venemaa, 2006).
  • Koolituste korraldaja mittearendajatele ja seminaride dev-junioridele, tuntud ka kui Django Girls Tallinn.
  • Usun robotitesse, kes valitsevad maailma, biohäkkimisse ja elukestvasse õppesse.
  • Mis annab mulle energiat: ulme, tumeda ambient-muusika ja zombifilmide lugemine.
  • Minu lemmiktsitaat: “Ei saades ei saa punkte ühendada; saate neid ühendada ainult tahapoole vaadates.


Alesja Solonevits

Alesja Solonevits


I'm excited to announce that I'm nearly finished with the Technical Competence course from IT Talent! Over the past several weeks, I've gained invaluable knowledge about software development life cycle (SDLC), including different methodologies, team structures, front and back end fundamentals, programming languages, and database design. Thanks to the excellent guidance of my instructors, Julia Jolkin 👠👠 and Ekaterina👋 Krivich, I now feel confident in my ability to source and interview specialists involved in the first four stages of SDLC. They have a unique talent for explaining complex technical concepts in simple, human terms.

Paula Misjutina

Paula Misjutina

Talent Acquisition Partner

It was amazing experience 🙌🏼 100% better recruiter and my knowledge about IT - I’M A PRO NOW 💪🏼🤓 Really- this training gave me so much knowledge, skills … I am much more aware of the subs of every IT field and I know exactly which role fits where! #talent #recruiter Thank You Julia Jolkin 👠👠 and Ekaterina👋 Krivich - you are awesome mentors! I am honored to learn from you 🥰

Monika Kreinin

Monika Kreinin

Sales Partner of Interim and Recruitment Services

Have you ever had the feeling when talking to IT people that you don't actually always quite understand what they are talking about? 😀 I decided to fix it. 😊 I have got my certificate of graduation the IT Talent Recruiter’s course: Part 2. Technical Competence. Warm thanks to my teachers - Julia Jolkin 👠👠 and Ekaterina👋 Krivich! All is well implemented to my brain. Now I understand! Now I am open to real communication.

Pille Kalmu

Pille Kalmu

HR Specialist

I’m happy to share that I have successfully completed the IT Recruiter: Technical Competence course by IT Talent. Thank you Julia Jolkin 👠👠 and Ekaterina👋 Krivich for your knowledge and inspiration, your courses are always very exciting! 💥

Varvara Petrova

Varvara Petrova

IT Recruiter

I, as an ex-Food Technologist, declare that it is equally difficult to understand the various chemistry subdisciplines ☠ as it is to understand the software development life cycle a.k.a SDLC, IN DETAILS! 💻 😀 Thank God, Ekaterina👋 Krivich knows everything about choosing good examples and breathes humanity into a technical vocabulary: comparing API with a waiter or containerization (the first lesson should be just about the pronunciation of that word 🤔 ) with"installing" fish to the apartment 🐡 Julia Jolkin 👠👠 and IT Talent this course is absolutely game-changing, bet you know that! ❤

Katarina Goreva

Katarina Goreva

Talent Acquisition Specialist

I am thrilled to share that I have completed the It Recruiter Technical Competence course with Julia Jolkin 👠👠 and Ekaterina👋 Krivich What a ride it has been! 🚀 Julia and Ekaterina have done an amazing job in wrapping the full SDLC in one with a ribbon on it 📚🎁 This has been one of the most fun and challenging courses I have ever attended but totally worth it. If you are looking into gaining more knowledge and confidence in IT recruitment, then this is the first step you should take 📝📌

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